Wednesday, October 7, 2015
This Monday we have Debra Haas, Debra R. Haas, District Administrative Assistant, Flotilla 114-06-02
and James Haas, District Directive Chief – Prevention, Flotilla 114-06-02
out for a special presentation on Dive & Casualty Investigation.
Dive & Casualty Investigation Team Overview
The United States Coast Guard is a multi-faceted branch of the Armed Forces
involved in military response, law enforcement and safety on the seas. Among its
responsibilities is the determination of facts in diving injuries and deaths aboard
licensed commercial vessels in federal waters. At a disadvantage, active-duty
investigation personnel are not always dive-qualified. In 2007, Sector Los
Angeles/Long Beach initiated the Dive & Casualty Investigations Team with the
goal to utilize existing dive experience and training of Coast Guard Auxiliarists in
rendering technical expertise to Coast Guard Investigating Officers in those
The DCI team is made up of divers who have served in the military and diving
communities for many years. We are made up of Navy divers, professional
instructors and dive masters with many years of experience. We are up to date with
the most recent recreational diving equipment so as to provide that expertise to the
DCI team members assist Coast Guard Investigative personnel in collecting
evidence, interviewing parties and witnesses and analyzing data and equipment to
provide a full understanding of the dive incident. The members then serve as the
primary outreach conduit through which lessons learned from diving accidents are
communicated to public stakeholders. DCI's overall goal is to enhance safe dive
practices and promote increased awareness within the boating and diving
Thanks Kaz for the contact!
Let's give them our usual loud, but polite and interested Sole Searchers welcome!