Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hi fellow dive club speaker fans-
Another month has blown by, so we're upon yet another action packed meeting. 
Not to fear, this one is good.

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, I wanted to do something special in 2012. 
As fate would have it, I met Dr. Rosaly lopes at the annual CA Wreck Divers ball earlier this year, 
and was amazed to learn she had been engaged to Ralph White when he passed away a few years back. I became very interested in knowing more about her own explorations, and the knowledge of Titanic she has experienced through Ralph. 

I was lucky enough to know Ralph briefly in the late 1990's when he was exploring the ocean floor near the Titanic wreck site for National Geographic, and see his work first hand in the IMAX film, Titanica. What a cool guy he was.

Dr. Rosaly Lopes is a Senior Research Scientist and Deputy Manager for Planetary Science at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. A native of Brazil, she obtained a B.Sc. in Astronomy and Ph.D. in Planetary Science at University College London, UK, and has been at JPL since 1989. She was part of the science team on the Galileo mission to the Jupiter system and is currently on the Cassini mission to Saturn, researching the geology of Saturn’s moon Titan. She was engaged to Ralph B. White, Titanic explorer, and attended many of his presentations and heard behind-the-scenes stories from him before his untimely death in 2008. She will share some of his images of Titanic and stories of the exploration of this most famous of shipwrecks.