Saturday, February 26, 2011

Avalon Harbor Cleanup 2011

What?  Where's the rain?

The forecast was for rain with possible thunderstorms, which seemed to have scared many divers away from participating in this years annual Avalon Harbor Cleanup dive.  But at least three intrepid divers from our club was not put off by the forecast.  And whatta ya know, we were rewarded with a beautiful day on Catalina.  Blue skies with a little bit of scattered clouds, and no wind… wow.  Meanwhile, hail was falling on some parts of L.A.

Although we were here for the cleanup dive, this year we opted to just dive in the underwater park.  The reason being Andrea and I needed to tune our buoyancy since we both had new gear.  After checking our weight and trim, we started our fun part of the dive. A semi-strong current was running from west to east laying the kelp down horizontally which made us kick harder than usual.  This was not a bad thing since it helped me burn off that muffin I had in the morning.  The vis was not great, but not bad either, about 25-30ish.  Water temp was a cool 55 degrees (did I mention before how I love my drysuit?). The usual fish and critters greeted us as we swam around the park.  I did notice some individual squid egg casings around 40 fsw, but nothing in mass.  Overall, a nice Casino Point dive.  Meanwhile, the other divers were pulling out some interesting items out of the harbor during the cleanup dive, but nothing like the amount of junk we used to recover five years ago.  There are less and less junk in the harbor every year... which is a good thing right?  Oh yea, and our buoyancy check? I think I can take another 4 pounds of lead off my weight belt!

After the dive we headed over to Coyote Joe's for lunch and drinks.  The day turned out to be a really nice day after all.  Thanks to John and Andrea for being brave enough to come out to dive with me on this supposedly the worst day of the month ;-)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Raffle winners, and a funny story.

A funny thing happened with our February raffle.

I've never seen this happen anywhere before, but when the ticket number 709940 was called, two people had the exact same numbered tickets.  And better yet, they're both named Bob!  Bob james, and Bob Cartier!  It worked out well since they both wanted something different. Bob James got a two for one boat dive, and Bob Cartier got a nice Ikelite dive light..  

I bet we'll never see something like that again. 

Great thanks goes out to both Hollywood Divers, Sport Chalet, and Channel Islands Dive Adventures for their generous (and I mean generous) donations to our club raffle.

$25 Sport Chalet gift card: Bob C.
2 for 1 boat dive on the Raptor (donated by Ken Kollwitz of CIDA): Bob James
Line cutter: Jimmy Quan
Signal mirror: Kaz
Defog: Jovy
Camera lanyard: Andrea
Dry bag: Jimmy Quan
Ikelite PC LED dive lite: Bob
T shirt: Laura Steckler
T shirt: Gary T.
Aqua Lung Nautilus Travel snorkel: Kaz

Mystery raffle prize: Andrea won a $25 Sport Chalet gift card.

Also great thanks goes out to Alex Broes for his assistance with the guest speaker presentation.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Meeting date changed for this February

In honor of Valentines day… and also so you won't have to choose between spending the evening chatting about diving, or taking your significant other to a night out on the town, we're moving the meeting date to Feb 21 (a week after our usual 2nd Monday of the month).  This is just for this month of February.  In March, the meeting will again resume at our usual 2nd Monday of each month.

Meeting place is El Torito Mexican Restaurant in Pasadena.
Feb 21.  6:30 p.m Social hour.  7:00 p.m. Announcements. 8:00 p.m. Guest speaker.  9:00 p.m. Raffle.

Be Mine image copyright Kaz Aizawa 2011